South East Garage Doors answered the call from a customer who had relocated his work to home during lockdown. Remote working had proved so successful that he decided he needed a permanent office at home.

Garage-to-office-conversion1Very much like this project featured here – Converting a garage door into an entrance – we removed the old garage door (see right) and installed a uPVC double-glazed entrance door (see above).

The surrounding front is weathered with Tyvec and clad in white hollow soffit. Inside the former garage, we used treated timber studwork filled with wool insulation and clad in plywood.

Our customer now has a secure and warm home office.

A home office like this may be something you are planning as more businesses adopt a hybrid working model even with mass vaccinations starting to control the ongoing pandemic.

You can read about other examples below or please contact me to find out how we can help convert your garage into an office.

New access for fitness studio

Turn your garage into a home office…with the right garage door

Making the most of the homes we live in

South East Garage Doors - SEGD
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