Garage door conversion

Swapping a garage door for an entrance has become more popular in recent years. We have completed plenty of conversions whereby we have swapped garage doors for stud walls and more usable uPVC entrance doors.

For this project, our customer no longer used her garage for her car. Swapping a garage door for a pedestrian entrance was the ideal solution to integrate her garage with her house to create a space she can use for working from home.

We fitted a glazed side door along with insulated stud work and a ply back for inside. The outside was clad in waterproof white uPVC entrance doors and all sealed from the elements.

Cat flap required

But that was not all! The extra requirement was for a cat flap, so Tiggy could come and go as he pleased! We fitted this too to complete the job to our customer’s satisfaction

Do you want to use your garage as part of your home and need it waterproofed and insulated? We can help.

More conversion projects to accommodate home offices and more